UMake sure every external door has a sturdy dead bolt lock.

UMake sure every external door has a sturdy dead bolt lock.
USecure all sliding doors.
ULock double-hung windows with key locks.
USecure basement windows with grills or grates.
UPrune back shrubbery so it doesn't hide doors or windows.
UCut back tree limbs that a thief could use to climb into a window.
UUse timers that will turn lights on and off in different areas.
ULeave shades, blinds and curtains in normal positions.
UInstead of hiding spare keys, give an extra key to a neighbor you trust.
UDon't let mail pile up.
UNever leave an answering machine message that indicates you may be away from home.
UMake a list of valuables. Take photos of them and write down serial numbers and descriptions.
UInstall an alarm, or use a less-expensive option like a motion-sensing light.
Source: National Crime Prevention Council