The Western Reserve Local Board of Education met recently and:
UHeard Victor Ugran Jr., Ellsworth Elementary School principal, announce that a patriotic assembly will be at 1 p.m. Monday. Members of Ellsworth V.F.W., who donated a flagpole to the school, will attend.
UHeard from Jeffrey Zatchok, high school principal, who said the school will have a charity volleyball game to raise funds for Christmas baskets for local needy families.
U Heard from Dale Reese, middle school principal, who said his pupils raised $236 for the Ellsworth Township Fire Department.
U Transferred high school custodians Sandra Hough and Pamela Hoyle. Hough will go to the elementary; Hoyle will go to the middle school.
UAdded Chad Hines and Tracy Wyatt to the certified substitute list. Janelle Worton will be added to the substitute bus drivers' list pending completion of paperwork.
U Voted to end Lisa Cercone's unpaid sick leave so she could be accepted for disability retirement.
UScheduled a closed-door meeting with Brent Gatrell, a Western Reserve parent who had complaints about district personnel, for Dec. 13, after the board's regular session.