YOUNGSTOWN Web poll voters: Reopen Federal Plaza to automobile traffic

Voters were divided almost evenly between an intersection with traffic signals and a traffic circle.
YOUNGSTOWN -- There's little sentiment among Vindicator Web poll voters for keeping any part of Federal Plaza.
They clearly want downtown's main street to be fully reopened to traffic when the plaza is torn up and rebuilt.
"Let's bring back what used to work for downtown Youngstown. Start up the bulldozers!" one voter said.
Voters, however, are divided almost evenly over whether cars and trucks should flow through a new street featuring an intersection with traffic signals or use a traffic circle instead.
The unscientific poll, taken Wednesday and Thursday, asked about four possibilities. The 138 votes break down this way (total exceeds 100 percent due to rounding):
U & raquo;Traffic signals and the whole street reopened, 62 votes or 45 percent.
U & raquo;Traffic signals and keeping a block of the plaza, nine votes or 7 percent.
U & raquo;A traffic circle and the whole street reopened, 44 votes or 32 percent.
U & raquo;A traffic circle and keeping a block of the plaza, 23 votes or 17 percent.
Taking the two questions together, the idea of reopening the "whole street" made up 77 percent of the vote.
The idea of an intersection with traffic signals vs. a "traffic circle," however, was much closer when those questions were taken together. The divide was nearly even.
Speaking out: A few comments given by voters focused on reopening the whole street.
One person said a through street offers potential for people and money to flow downtown, even if the plaza can be considered a diamond in the rough.
Another comment was far more blunt in support of eliminating the whole plaza.
"A no-brainer. Bring back what has worked before," the person said.
Which is not to say there aren't other possibilities. One person suggests -- presumably tongue in cheek -- using the money to instead build a Krispy Kreme donut shop.
"I love these donuts and you just can't find them anywhere!" the pastry lover said.

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