Date announced for Long-Parson wedding rite

Don and Judy Waltemire of Warren and Lana Parson of Austintown are revealing plans for the upcoming marriage of their children, Bobbie Jo Long, 456 S. Raccoon Road, Austintown, and Roger L. Parson Jr., 1416 Maplecrest Drive, Austintown.
The couple have chosen St. Michael Carpato-Russian Orthodox Church in Youngstown for their June 23 wedding. Invitations will be issued for the 4:30 p.m. ceremony and also for a reception afterward in the church hall.
Miss Long, a claims clerk with Ohio Carpenters Health and Welfare Fund in Niles, graduated from Youngstown College of Massotherapy in Struthers.
Mr. Parson, also a son of the late Roger L. Parson Sr., is owner/general manager of Classic Food Services in Youngstown. He graduated from Youngstown College of Business with an associate degree in accounting and from Pennsylvania Culinary Institute in Pittsburgh. A certified chef d'cuisine, he completed his culinary externship at the Stouffer Inn in Cleveland.