NESHANNOCK TOWNSHIP Supervisors still waiting for new street names

Residents were asked to name the roads they live on to aid 911 emergency crews.
NEW CASTLE, Pa. -- Neshannock Township supervisors are disappointed area residents have neglected to suggest names for the roads, alleys and driveways they live on.
Earlier this year, they asked residents sharing the same roads to do so.
The process, which was discussed Wednesday, is part of a countywide effort to name all roads and driveways that have more than one residence to enable 911 emergency crews to find trouble spots more quickly.
"The problem is many of those roads have not been named and some roads have names that are the same or similar to other roads," said Supervisor John DiCola.
For example, there are three Shady Lanes in the township.
"It's too confusing for emergency personnel and there can be serious consequences if they're delayed because they can't find someone right away," he said.
"We were asked to have this done by the beginning of the year, but we wanted to let people name their own streets and we're still waiting."
Multiple names: Supervisors said that in some cases, several names were submitted for the same roads. They said they will attempt to choose the best name -- possibly for its historical relevance -- for each road
If that doesn't work, they'll choose names by random drawing.
"And if no suggestions are submitted for a particular street, we'll have to come up with something on our own," DiCola said.