Carolin-Kelty wedding day set in August
STRUTHERS -- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelty, 604 Wilson St., announce the engagement of their son, Patrick Kelty of Centerburg, and Erin Carolin, also of Centerburg.
The bride-elect is a daughter of Julie Herman of Mount Vernon and Michael Carolin of Prescott, Ariz.
Miss Carolin is an assistant manager with Delaware County Bank and Trust, Delaware, Ohio.
The future groom, who is attending Columbus State College, is a structural ironworker with Local 172 in Columbus. He served in the U.S. Army Airborne OP-FOR for three years.
St. Nicholas Church will be the setting for the couple's wedding planned for 2 p.m. Aug. 11. That evening they will be honored at a reception at The Elm Tree. Invitations will be extended for both events.