BIOGRAPHY Sister Rosemary Murray

2000: Received the Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (Cross for the Church and Pontiff), the papal honor traditionally awarded women in this century, from Pope John Paul II.
1990 to present: Is director of the Office of Religious for the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown. She also is on the boards of trustees of Humility of Mary Health Partners and Villa Maria Residential Services.
1985 to 1990: Became co-director and manager for Clairvaux Commons, an apartment high-rise for low-income seniors in Indiana, Pa., through Christian Housing in Pittsburgh.
She earlier served as coordinator of planning and research for the schools of the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh for two years.
1973 to 1981: General Superior of the Sisters of the Humility of Mary at its motherhouse in Villa Maria, Pa.
1966 to 1973: Principal of Blessed Sacrament Elementary School in Cleveland. She earlier had taught school.
Education: Bachelor's degree in education at St. John College in Cleveland and a master's degree in education from the University of Dayton.