St. Michael Altar Guild installs leaders
CANFIELD -- St. Michael Altar Guild of St. Michael Church held installation of officers for 2001-02 May 7 at the parish center.
Those inducted to leadership positions in the organization are as follows: Pauline Weldon, president; Doris Neel, first vice president; Marilyn Fisher, second vice president; Bernice Harnishfeger, secretary; and Rita Bova, treasurer.
Those who will serve as committee chairmen are Margaret Wood, chairman of the board; Roxanne Hildebrand, social; Peg Davis, publicity; Edith Brown, telephone; Elizabeth Rehlinger, historian; Mary Ann Silvestri, flowers; Sally Roberts, sacristy; Agnes Romyak, parliamentarian; Patricia DeRosa, ways and means; Virginia Gregor, sunshine; and Mary Ann Pavalko, membership.
The Rev. Terry Hazel conducted the installation ceremony and gave the benediction. He was assisted by Tom Soich, permanent deacon. Dinner in the parish center followed.