Quick facts
Some facts about spousal abuse:
About one in two women and one in 22 men will be abused.
Boys are more likely to become batterers when they live in homes with domestic violence.
Girls are more likely to get into an abusive relationship if their mothers endure abuse.
Fear of the abuser, threats, love for the abuser, embarrassment, low self-esteem, lack of money and transportation and no place to go are reasons women can't leave violent relationships.
Tactics often used by abusers to keep the victim in the relationship:
Minimizing and denying. Statements such as "It wasn't so bad," "I didn't hit you that hard," etc.
Blaming the victim. Includes statements like "You made me hit you" and "It's your fault I get so mad."
Coercion, threats and intimidation, such as threatening suicide, destroying property, abusing pets.
Emotional abuse. Includes name-calling, belittling and putting victim down.
Economic abuse, such as preventing victim from working, opening own checking account, etc.
Using male privilege. Abuser treats victim like a servant and makes all major decisions.
Isolating victim from family, friends and community.
Sources: Domestic Abuse Intervention Project Youngstown Mayor's Task Force on Crime and Violence Prevention.