Dangerous teen jobs
Nearly 200,000 workers under age 18 are injured and more than 70 are killed on the job each year, according to the National Consumers League. The NCL recently listed its five worst jobs for teen-agers.
Delivery or motorized equipment operation. Federal law prohibits 16-year-olds from driving as an occupation and 17-year-olds may not drive for more than 20 percent of their workday.Working alone in cash-based businesses and late-night work. Retail stores have the highest number of work-related homicide deaths, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.Traveling youth crews. Teens are often unsupervised in jobs selling candy or magazines door-to-door, and are more vulnerable to assault.Cooking. As many as 5,200 adolescents seek emergency-room treatment for work-related burns each year, according to the NIOSH.Construction and work in heights. Teens working as painters, construction workers and roofing run a high risk of injuries related to working in heights.
Source: The National Consumers League