XL.B. Circle, Past Matrons of Miriam Circle, OES, will meet at noon at Austin Manor with Martha Sulik presiding. Hostesses are Geraldine Thompson and Jean McClure.
XCopper Penny Lodge will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the lodge on Warren-Sharon Road, Vienna Center.
XSunrise Chapter 458, OES, will hold its annual inspection at 7:30 p.m. at the Girard Masonic Temple. Inspecting officer will be Nancy Chancey, deputy grand matron of District 2. Officers are asked to take three dozen cookies for the reception to be served afterward by members of Ruth Shrine.
XWilliam Farr Lodge will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Girard Masonic Temple, 105 E. Prospect St.
XLamplight Chapter Alumni will have a get-together at noon May 20 at the Georgeanna Parker Activity Center in Boardman Township Park. Dinner will be served at 1 p.m.
XMasonic news is published Sundays. The deadline is noon Thursday.