ANNUAL AWARDS Goodwill Industries Inc.
Employee of the Year: John Gimbel.
Graduates of the Year: Robert Volsko, Dan Wallack and Jeff Below.
Supervisor of the Year: Lisa Beitzel.
Business Provider of the Year: Forum Health.
Retail Donor of the Year: Vivian's Antiques & amp; Collectibles.
Special Services to Goodwill: Urfic Inc., Joe Locketti of Insta Copy Centre, Raelene Price, Grace Weber.
Contributor of the Year: Byzantine Inc.
Youngstown Radio Reading Service Volunteer of the Year: Denny Czopur.
Amblyopia Volunteer of the Year: Carmella Neilson.
Junior Group Volunteer of the Year: Michelle Higgins.
Certificates of Exceptional Performance: Cheryl Richard, Chauncey Dothard, Robert Schuller, June Merchant, Michelle Adger, Mary Ann Kresovski, Carmelo Maddamma, Gary Vandetti, Jeanie Gerlach, Susan Fani, Sheila Love, Karen DeSantis, Art Johnson.