Browning Ferris Industries hopes to amend an agreement with township officials regarding trash

Browning Ferris Industries hopes to amend an agreement with township officials regarding trash amounts brought into the Carbon Limestone Landfill. The company has offered a package in cash and incentives over five years to the township should the measure pass:
$70,000 to the Mahoning County Board of Health in 2002.Collection of recyclable material at several Youngstown Metropolitan Housing Authority units in Youngstown.Curbside collection of recyclable material at condominium units.Meetings with the solid waste district as needed.Delivery of recycling bins to customers.Streamlined telephone communications to handle customer complaints.Eventual collection of cardboard and magazine recyclables.Annual recycling audits to determine number of customers participating in curbside recycling and modify program, if necessary.A public outreach program with the Mahoning County Solid Waste District.Contribute $250,000 to Poland Township capital fund over five years.$30,000 to Poland Youth Baseball Association$15,000 annually to Poland Township Road Department over five years.$5,000 annually to the Poland Township Police Department annually starting in 2002.$5,000 annually to the Western Reserve Fire Department starting in 2002.Road work on Stateline Road from the landfill entrance to Styme Road.Freeze residential garbage pickup rates at April 2001 levels for three years for Poland Township residents.Provide free residential garbage pickup for residents living around the landfill.Install a wheel wash system for trucks at the landfill.Enter into a lease with Poland Township for 60 acres of real estate in the township.