VFW council auxiliary seats officers

NEW SPRINGFIELD -- Mahoning County VFW Council Auxiliary held election and installation of officers during a meeting April 26 at VFW Post 2799.
Inducted into office were Dorothy McLaughlin, president; Cindi Koniowisky, senior vice president; Sandra Graves, junior vice president; Julie Carter, treasurer; Doris Deiley, chaplain; Darlene Brown, conductress; Barbara Kreidler, guard; and Barbara Moss, three-year trustee.
Installing officers were Faye Doyle, District 8 senior vice president; Doris Pouncs, conductress; and Donna Russo, secretary.
Members are reminded to take a covered dish and table setting to the June 7 meeting at 6:30 p.m. at VFW Post 3307, 1351 Albert St., Youngstown. Wrapped items will be collected for a mystery auction t benefit the general fund of the council.