Liberty trustees out of touch with community
Liberty trustees out of touch with community
What's wrong with our government in Liberty Township is a question with which I, along with many neighbors and friends continue to struggle. Our efforts invariably lead us back to the same conclusions: consistently poor decision-making and lack of responsible, accountable management by our elected officials.
We all agree that Liberty seems to suffer from more than its share of controversy and conflict. We also believe that perhaps the cause, at least in part, is because the bureaucracy itself has become too big for our small community.
Though the potential for economic and social expansion is here, Liberty is no metropolis, and despite the success of similar political systems in surrounding areas, maybe we should try tempering the growth of our government to suit the specific needs of our community.
Case in point: We elect three trustees to make decisions, only to have them rely on an administrator (whose salary and benefits would pay for more safety forces) who handles both major to everyday matters?
Further diluting the process is the trustees' constant dependence upon multiple lawyers, some dispensing very questionable, six-figure legal advice. So inevitably we must ask, "Why do we need three trustees?" If they can't perform the responsibilities of their office, why hold that office? Could it be that a different approach to how we do things in Liberty might improve the quality and efficiency of our government and eliminate the need for such hefty expenditures?
Circumstances seem to indicate that we taxpayers are bearing enormous legal fees because of employee lawsuits, union grievances and unfair labor practices that proper management would probably avoid. This reflects an inefficient, out-of-touch board of trustees that no longer enjoys the trust of township employees. Consider, too, the disruption of our police department which an independent report blames on the trustees' inexcusable meddling into official police business.
Future appointments should be based upon capability and qualifications rather than the boards' desire to control that position. The end result of the trustees' actions has been catastrophic and expensive.
Why must this be so?
The goal of our elected officials should be first, to do what's best for the people and our community, then take reasonable care the "team" of employees so essential to serving these citizens, and last to address their own personal concerns. These priorities appear to have been grossly inverted by this board of trustees. The era of seeking elected office to further one's own goals must be replaced by what's been missing far too long from our local government -- the sincere desire for legitimate and dedicated public service. Somehow, that noble aspiration got lost along the way. Liberty Township voters will have opportunity to find it again, in November.
Dangerous intersection demands a stop light
On S.R. 46 in Austintown, a new truck stop was built near Webb Road. I have called and been to the Austintown trustees' office to complain that people trying to come off Lou Ida and Webb Road are trapped in our neighborhood because we cannot turn south onto S.R. 46 without nearly getting killed or must sit there all day.
A new bike trail has been built on Webb Road, so our kids are playing Russian roulette trying to get their bikes across 46, especially at noon and from 4 to 6 p.m.
It's going to take some poor little child (or adult) to get killed before I can convince these government & quot;loads & quot; to get off their butts and get a red light installed on Webb or Lou Ida.
Mineral Ridge