Garage sale planned

Garage sale planned
YOUNGSTOWN -- Crime Stoppers will have a garage sale from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 11-12 at St. Dominic Parish Center, 3403 Southern Blvd. Call Mahoning County Deputy Sarah Rowney at (330) 480-5062.
Doggie do set on fire
YOUNGSTOWN -- A paper bag filled with dog waste that had been placed on a South Hazelwood Avenue porch was set on fire just before 8 p.m. Tuesday. The 72-year-old West Side resident discovered that the bag had been placed on a large rug, police said. Earlier Tuesday, a North Side woman found her back steps on fire when she returned home around 2 p.m. The New York Avenue resident gave police the name of the person she suspects.