What was found
Citations listed in the state audit of Mahoning County include:
The county had negative balances in four funds because it used money from those funds to cover the expenses of other funds. The deficits were: $586,473 in the department of human services fund; $70,351 in the lead-based paints federal grants fund; $89,873 in the board of health's federal grants fund; and $1,120 in the Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities student activity fund.The juvenile court failed to file annual reports with the county commissioners for 1999 and 2000, showing the number and types of cases it heard.The county failed to follow its investment policy by getting the signatures of all entities conducting investment business with the treasurer's office.Appropriations for federal grants programs went over budget by $3,780.The board of health failed to file a Medicaid compliance review report.
Source: Ohio Auditor's office