This show will be centered on the National Packard Museum on Mahoning Avenue N.W. Here's the

This show will be centered on the National Packard Museum on Mahoning Avenue N.W. Here's the schedule:
Noon -- Museum opens for car registration.12:30 p.m. -- Packards will be staged around museum.1 p.m. -- Hospitality tent opens at the museum.2 p.m. -- Swap meet setup, museum.4:45 p.m. -- Tour to General Motors in Lordstown.7 p.m. -- Packard Dixieland Band inside museum.8 p.m. -- Reception at Buckeye Club, Park Avenue.
8 a.m. -- Museum and hospitality tent open.8:15 a.m. -- Cars staged around museum.8:30 a.m. -- Assembly for tour to World War II Museum, Hubbard.9 a.m. -- Amish country tour; swap meet opens.10 a.m. -- Learn about chroming at museum.1 p.m. -- Learn about powder coating at museum.2:30 p.m. -- Packard Dixieland Band.4 p.m. -- Auction, museum south entrance.7 p.m. -- Dinner at museum.
8 a.m. -- Museum opens.8:15 a.m. -- Hospitality tent opens.9 a.m. -- Historical items appraised in museum; swap meet.9 a.m. -- Packards assemble on south lawn.1 p.m. -- Cruise-in begins.2 p.m. -- Stephen Foster Chorus.2:30 p.m. -- All-Packard review and promenade.3:30 p.m. -- Packard Jazz Band.4 p.m. -- Awards, south lawn.4:30 p.m. -- Show closes.5 p.m. -- The Flintstones Band.7 p.m. -- W.D. Packard Band.8 p.m. -- Museum closes.