NILES Municipal court needs face-lift

The project is estimated at $119,470 and includes demolition, and construction work for the court.
NILES -- The municipal court is looking at a face-lift.
City council is expected to consider legislation at its meeting Wednesday to transfer money for the estimated $119,470 project. About $21,500 for the project will come from the court's computer fund, probation department and the safety-service complex budget.
At a finance committee meeting Wednesday, Neil Buccino, city auditor, said Judge Thomas W. Townley plans to transfer about $60,000 from the court's legal research fund to the general f und for the project. The research fund comes from court fines.
Specifics: The project would include demolition, new construction and electrical work within court facilities estimated at $39,580. The work must be advertised for bid.
Municipal court facilities, including clerk of courts offices, courtroom, judge's office and jury room, are on the second floor of the city safety building on East State Street.
Other work and new equipment paid for through state purchasing:
ULektriever, an electronic filing and file retriever system, estimated at $21,676.
UNew work stations, $26,574.
UNew council chairs, $15,321.
UDesign fee for James & amp; Weaver, a Youngstown design company, $700.
UChairs for work stations and jury room, $5,136.
UCarpet for clerk's office and jury room, $4,165 plus $1,224 for carpet base.
UCarpet for courtroom and prosecutor's office, $4,025.
The project also includes the purchase of three tables for the courtroom, estimated at $519, and a table for the jury room for $550. The tables would not be bought through state purchasing.