AGENDA Warren council

Warren City Council conducted the following business Wednesday:
Passed a resolution expressing concern with the size of some billboards being erected, saying it will review ordinances regarding billboards. The city recently issued permits for about a dozen large billboards to be erected on Elm, Youngstown roads.
Held off voting on an ordinance to rezone 1400 Tod Ave. N.W. from residential to commercial to make it easier for owners to attract commercial tenants. The former St. Joseph Riverside Hospital houses a commercial laundry, a moving company, professional offices, a veterans clinic and other offices. Nearby property owners in the past have opposed zoning change requests.
Agreed to solicit bids for the design, purchase, installation and programming of a remote video security system at Warren G. Harding High School. City police received a $19,000 grant to pay for the system, which will allow for 24-hour surveillance.
Introduced legislation outlining proposed 2002 projects that could receive Community Development Block Grants. The city has $1.6 million to dole out. Council says more discussion is needed.
Agreed to advertise for bids and enter into contracts for the 2001 resurfacing project. CDBG money will pay for some improvements in low-income areas and the city has received state and federal money to pay for some other streets.
Adopted a tax budget for 2002 based on city auditor's estimations of revenues and expenses. The city expects a $26.9 million general fund, a total budget of $65.2 million.