Parents announce Bundy-Lakin wedding date

CANFIELD -- Michael and Patricia Bundy, 71-2 Talsman Drive, and Eileen and Thomas Lakin Sr. of Cincinnati are announcing the engagement of their children, Kristin Joy Bundy and Thomas Jewett Lakin Jr., both of 265 Sackett St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Miss Bundy is managing editor at Health Matters Communications in Manhattan, N.Y. She holds a bachelor's degree in history from Miami University at Oxford.
Mr. Lakin also graduated from MU with a degree in history. He is E-commerce supplier services manager with Thomas Publishing in Manhattan.
The couple's open wedding will be held at 5 p.m. Oct. 13 at Fellows Riverside Gardens in Mill Creek Park, where a reception will be held by invitation in the Daniel L. Rossi Auditorium.