AARP 4545 installs new officers

BOARDMAN -- Boardman South Chapter 4545, AARP, held installation of new officers during a meeting Dec. 6 at Holiday Inn South with Robert Donelson of Austintown AARP as the installing officer.
Roselle Stickle is president; Leone Howell, vice president; Margaret J. Ellashek, secretary; and Helen Sutherland, treasurer.
Board members are Michael and Laura Pavlik, community service; Betty Bisker, membership and health; Madelyn Pedaline, public relations; Christine Anderson, sunshine; Frances Ritz and Helen Day, social; Helen Sutherland, chaplain; Joseph DeFiore and Stella Kleeh, 50-50 raffle; and Margaret Mullen, legislative.
Members meet the first Thursday of each month. New members are welcome.