Monsters vs. Aliens: An IMAX 3D Experience

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"Monsters vs. Aliens" has been digitally re-mastered into the unparalleled image and sound quality of The IMAX Experience® with IMAX DMR® technology for a truly immersive 3D experience. When California girl Susan Murphy is unexpectedly clobbered by a meteor full of outer space gunk, she mysteriously grows to 49-feet-11-inches tall and is instantly labeled as a "monster" named Ginormica. The military jumps into action, and she is captured and held in a secret government compound. The world learns that the military has been quietly rounding up other monsters over the years. Their confinement time is cut short, however, when a mysterious alien robot lands on Earth and begins storming the country. As a last resort, under the guidance of General W.R. Monger (on a desperate order from the President), the motley crew of monsters is called into action to combat the aliens and save the world from imminent destruction.
