The Vindicator Web Site Terms of Use and Availability

  1. Before you use 
     Before you use or Vindicatorarchives, please read the following terms carefully because the owner of those web sites makes them available to you solely in accordance with the terms listed below.  By accessing and using either of those web sites, you are agreeing to be bound by each of term listed below.  The terms upon which or Vindicatorarchives are made available to you may change from time to time, which means that you should read the terms carefully every time that you access and use either site.  The owner of the sites will deem you to have agreed to whichever terms of use are in effect at the time that you access and use either site.  If you do not agree to be bound by one or more of the terms of use, please do not use either site.
  2. Reproduction or distribution of the contents of or Vindicatorarchives.   
    The Vindicator Printing Company, called “The Vindicator” in these terms of use, owns and operates the web sites “” and “Vindicatorarchives” [for purposes of these terms, those sites will be called “the Sites”].   You may not copy, reproduce, upload, post, transmit, or distribute (or facilitate someone else in copying, reproducing, uploading, posting, transmitting, or distributing) any part of the contents placed by The Vindicator on either Site for any purpose other than individual viewing of either or both of the Sites, unless you get the advance, express written consent of The Vindicator.  That includes using in any manner any portion of those contents in messages that advocate the election or re-election of a person for public or private office.

    You may download or print one copy of some or all of the downloadable contents displayed on the Sites, for personal non-commercial home use only, but only if you keep intact all copyright and other notices contained in the contents. Any modification of the contents, or use of the contents, for any other purpose will violate The Vindicator’s copyright and other proprietary rights.

    Any use of the contents of the Sites via any other web site or other networked computer environment is prohibited.

    Nothing contained on either of the Sites intends to grant an implied or express license or right to use anything contained on either Site except as expressly set forth in these Terms of Use. Any other use is strictly prohibited.

  3. Online subscription payment packages. 
    You must pay a subscriber's fee for access to areas within each Site, such as to the entire text of The Vindicator newspaper.  To gain access to those areas, you must select from among the following payment packages:

    • If you have a Daily print subscription, you can enjoy a free subscription to our new Digital Edition. Click here or access: The Vindicator Digital Edition

    • $15.99 for each month of access, if you do not also subscribe to The Vindicator newspaper during that month.

  4. Linked sites.
    The Vindicator has no control over, and is not responsible for, the terms of use, privacy policy, or content of any sites that may be linked to either or both of the Sites. Those links are provided for your convenience only.

  5. Submissions – granting a license to The Vindicator.
    If you have some proprietary rights in something that you submit (by posting to a forum or otherwise) to either or both of the Sites, by making the submission, you grant to The Vindicator free of charge an unconditional, royalty-free and non-exclusive license to use, copy, modify, publicly display, publicly perform, adapt, and distribute your submission in any manner and in any medium forever and throughout the world, which includes granting The Vindicator the right to charge a fee to others to use, copy, modify, publicly display, publicly perform, adapt, or distribute your submission.

    If you do not want a submission to become licensed automatically in accordance with these terms, please make no submissions to or to Vindicatorarchives.

  6. Submissions -- what The Vindicator prohibits.
    You are not allowed to submit to either or both of the Sites anything that:
    1. is defamatory, obscene, pornographic, an invasion of privacy, or that you intend to inflict emotional distress;
    2. advocates or facilitates a violation of any law, or that is itself illegal to communicate or transmit;
    3. infringes any proprietary right of any person, such as copyright, trademark, trade name, patent right, or trade secret;
    4. violates an order of a court or governmental agency;
    5. proposes or solicits any commercial transaction, or proposes or solicits any donation or payment of any funds for any purpose, or advertises or promotes any good or service for sale or lease;
    6. transmits “spam,” “chain letters,” “junk mail,” or “pyramid schemes”;
    7. violates a contract or a confidential relationship or relationship to which you owe a duty of loyalty;
    8. contains software viruses or any other computer code, file or program that functions to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment; or that
    9. The Vindicator has determined in its sole discretion to remove from either or both of the Sites.

      You also are not allowed to collect or store personal information or data about other users.

  7. Submissions -- monitoring.
    Any interactive forum of either Site is non-moderated by The Vindicator. The Vindicator does not read or otherwise monitor every posting or submission made on or to either or Vindicatorarchives.

    The Vindicator reserves the sole discretion to remove, edit, or refuse to allow a posting or submission for any reason or for no reason, and has no duty to explain why it has removed or refused to allow a posting or submission.

  8. Termination or suspension of your access to any interactive forum of or Vindicatorarchives for submissions, including postings.
    The Vindicator may, in its sole discretion, terminate or suspend your access to any interactive forum of either or both Sites (for making submissions) for any reason or for no reason. The Vindicator has no duty to explain why it has terminated or suspended that access.

  9. No warranties.
    The contents of the Sites are provided “as is” and without any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, The Vindicator disclaims all express or implied warranties of merchantability, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, and all other express or implied warranties. The Vindicator expressly disclaims any warranty that the functions contained in the contents of either Site will be uninterrupted or free of errors, that defects will be corrected, or that either Site or the server that makes either Site available are free of viruses, worms, or other elements harmful to your computer system. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the disclaimer of implied warranties may not apply to all users of either Site.

  10. Liability exclusions.
    The Vindicator shall not be liable to you or to any other person for any actual, special, consequential, or any other kind of damage that results from your use of, or your inability to use, either Site or its contents, including the transmittal of viruses, worms, or other elements harmful to a computer system.

    If you post, transmit, or submit to either Site anything in violation of these terms, or in violation of The Vindicator’s termination or suspension of your access to any interactive forum of either Site, you agree to indemnify The Vindicator and its agents, successors, and subsidiaries for any and all claims, damages, demands, injuries, or losses arising from whatever it was that you posted, transmitted, or submitted.

    If you have an “account” with either or both of the Sites to post or submit anything to any interactive forum of either Site, you agree to be fully liable for any and all claims, damages, demands, injuries, or losses arising from any posting, transmission, or submission resulting from someone else using your account, regardless of whether you permitted that use.

  11. Governing Law; Severability; Entire Agreement.
    By proceeding to use or Vindicatorarchives, you consent to be subject to the territorial jurisdiction of the courts of Ohio or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio. You also agree that Ohio and, if applicable, federal law will govern the interpretation of these terms and the existence of your agreement to them. If any portion of these terms of use is held to be invalid, you agree that such invalidity is not intended to affect any other portion of these terms. Also, these terms contain the entire understanding between you and The Vindicator governing your use of or Vindicatorarchives and the contents of either.

By using this site, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of use.

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