The Youngstown Gala Adult Prom

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Event Information:

When: Friday, Aug. 3, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Age limit: Not available

Where: Stambaugh Auditorium
1000 Fifth Ave.
Youngstown, OH

Categorized under: Special Events | Special Events.

Recuring Event? No

Long Description:

The Youngstown Gala is a event for all ages at 21 and above. This will be a formal red carpet event. Cameras are set up everywhere to catch your greatest moments of the night. This will be a great time to enjoy prom again or for your first time. We will give you a experience like never before. New hits to old hits played all through the night. Flash drive or DVD will be available to purchase at the event, for the recoding of the event.

For Presale tickets follow our event page on InstaGram @ The Youngstown Gala

What To Look Forward To:

Red Carpet Entrance
Live Interviews on the Red Carpet
DJ on the Red carpet
Raffle Basket
King & Queen
Match Each Other Fly Award (Best Couple)

Event posted: May 2, 2018

Last updated: May 2, 2018

event photo

Stambaugh Auditorium, Youngstown, OH