The Grove City Community Library Book Sale

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Event Information:

When: Sunday, Aug. 6, 2017, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Age limit: Not available

Where: grove city Grove City Community Library
125 W. Main St.
Grove City, PA

Categorized under: summer fun | Sales Shows.

Recuring Event? No

Long Description:

The Grove City Community Library, 125 W. Main St. will have a book sale preview event. Event ticket holders will have exclusive early access to purchase book sale materials. Also included is a coupon for one bag of free books during the second week of the sale. Live music will be provided by Rich Samsa, and there will be light refreshments and raffles. Tickets will be $10 per person, children under 12 are admitted free, and the family rate is $15. The family rate applies to parents with older kids. Tickets will be sold at the door the night of the event.

The book sale will be open to the public Aug. 7 through Aug. 19 during normal business hours. Both the preview event and the used book sale are sponsored by the Friends of the Grove City Community Library. All proceeds benefit the library. For additional information, contact Debbie Loughry, 724 967-4082.


Event posted: July 24, 2017

Last updated: July 24, 2017

Grove City Community Library, Grove City, PA