Rack & Roll party for downtown bike racks

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Event Information:

When: Friday, Nov. 12, 2010, 9:30 p.m.

Age limit: All ages

Where: Knox Bldg
110 W. Federal St.
Youngstown, OH

Bands Performing: The Realtime Digimob.

Categorized under: Nightlife | Nightlife.

Recuring Event? No

Long Description: RACK & ROLL - a party for downtown bike rack sculptures All proceeds from this event will go toward the creation of one-of-a-kind bike racks, designed by local artists, in downtown Youngstown! Donation: $4 (or more if you wanna) With performances by: Chris Splain Joe Shelby The Realtime Digimob Followed by a dance party with Matt and Richie We're raffling off bikes! Maps of "Best Bike Routes in Youngstown" will be available from the Outspokin' Wheelmen. This project brought to you by a (growing) coalition of interested citizens, bike riders, and Youngstown artists.

Short Description: A party for downtown bike rack sculptures

Cost: $4.00

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Event posted: Nov. 2, 2010

Last updated: Aug. 16, 2016

event photo

Knox Bldg, Youngstown, OH