Pastoral Care for Caregivers

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Event Information:

When: Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2009, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Age limit: All ages

Where: The Ursuline Center
4250 Shields Road
Canfield, OH

Categorized under: Lectures | Lectures.

Recuring Event? No

Long Description: Feb. 3 Atty. Karen Bovard will address legal aspects of working with an elderly parent or loved one. Feb. 10 presenters are Mary Lou Clatterbuck and Chris Mariotti who will discuss types of care for those considering assisted living or nursing home placement. March 10 presenters are Mary Ann Pernotto and Christine Williams who will discuss the emotion aspects of placing loved ones in assisted living or nursing home care.

Cost (low): $10.00

Cost (high): $25.00

Event posted: Jan. 22, 2009

Last updated: Aug. 16, 2016

Ursuline Center, Canfield, OH