GWRRA, Chapter M

Events | Submit Event

Event Information:

When: Saturday, April 25, 2009, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Age limit: All ages

Where: Yankee Kitchen Restaurant - Yo.
8635 Market St.
Boardman Township, OH

Categorized under: Activities | Bike Night, Activities | Casual Reunion.

Recuring Event? No

Long Description: GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION, CHAPTER M, PRESS RELEASE Gold Wing Road Rider Association, Chapter M, announces their monthly meeting for April 25, 2009. It will be held at The Yankee Kitchen, 6655 Market St, Boardman, Ohio. Dinner is at 5 P.M. with the meeting at 6 P.M. Topics for discussion will be the upcoming garage sale in May, rides scheduled for May and the annual picnic in August. Information will be available on the Buckeye Rally and Wing Ding 2009. All bikers who are interested in joining a fun chapter are invited to attend the meeting. Any inquiries should be directed to the Chapter Director, Roy Jones at 330-549-3438.

Event posted: April 21, 2009

Last updated: Aug. 16, 2016

Yankee Kitchen Restaurant - Yo., Boardman Township, OH