Senior Issues And Concerns

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Event Information:

When: Saturday, Oct. 18, 2008, 2 p.m.

Age limit: All ages

Where: McMenamy's
325 Youngstown Warren Road
Niles, OH

Categorized under: Politics | Decision '08.

Recuring Event? No

Long Description: Trumbull For Barack For Change is sponsoring a Senior Issues And Concerns Forum on Saturday, Oct. 18, 2008, 2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. at McMennamy's Banquet Center, Rt. 422, Niles, Ohio. State Representative Tom Letson among others will be guests. This is a time that seniors can discuss their questions and concerns about what is affecting them and how and what they expect from a new presidency. Women For Barack will host the free event. All are welcome

Event posted: Oct. 15, 2008

Last updated: Aug. 16, 2016

event photo

McMenamy's, Niles, OH