Calendulas in a Basket

Events | Submit Event

Event Information:

When: Saturday, May 3, 2008, 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Age limit: 6+

Where: Fellows Riverside Gardens
123 McKinley Ave.
Youngstown, OH

Categorized under: Children | Children.

Recuring Event? No

Long Description: Children ages 6 and up with their adult companions will learn about edible flowers. Each child will plant a basket of calendulas to take home. Gardeners and cooks love this easy to care for plant and have chosen it as "Herb of the Year." Call Fellows Riverside Gardens to register.

Cost (low): $7.00

Cost (high): $10.00

Event posted: March 31, 2008

Last updated: Aug. 16, 2016

Fellows Riverside Gardens, Youngstown, OH