"The 1940's" program at the Youngstown Historical Center.

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Event Information:

When: Saturday, March 8, 2008, noon to 3 p.m.

Age limit: 8+

Where: Youngstown Historical Center/Steel Museum
151 W. Wood St.
Youngstown, OH

Categorized under: Children | Children, Museums | Exhibit.

Recuring Event? No

Long Description: "The 1940's" progam at the Youngstown Historical Center. Discover the world of Rosie the Riviter, ration books, World War II, Dr. Spock and the arrival of the “Baby Boomers”. Participants create an Enigma (code) machine. History Club is for young historians between the ages of 8-12 . A snack is provided .

Cost (low): $10.00

Cost (high): $20.00

Event posted: Feb. 20, 2008

Last updated: Aug. 16, 2016

Youngstown Historical Center/Steel Museum, Youngstown, OH