
Sound description: Well thought-out metal that manages to be heavy and musical at the same time.

Similar to: As I Lay Dying, Slipknot, IO, Mudvayne


Experimental / Noise, Metal / Hardcore, Rock


FASCIA (fay-shuh) [noun] - the layer of skin that is responsible for healing and mending wounds, also acts as the protective armor that holds the body's organs inside.

Fascia was born along time ago in the form of many other bands throughout Youngstown, Ohio, who came together after being friends and devoted their entire being to create an allstar metal entity. Fully focused and determined on giving back to society in the only way this bunch of misfits can, through musical expression. These compositions are feelings from the inner core of our being with roots of urban dilapidation and a run down steel city, stems of poverty and crime, and branches of the infinite tragedies that will haunt us from the past and continue to bloom though out our lives.


Name Instrument
Rob K. Drums
Josh O'Neill Bass
Kaisi B. Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals
June M. Backup Vocals, Guitar
Past shows