July 4th from the front lines


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by Todd Franko   | 340 entries

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Bob Barko is a great Youngstown guy.

His passion, support and artistry about the city was vivid and ample long before it was cool.

He closed up his Phelps Street shop awhile back as he readied for a long stint in Afghanistan with his Air Force Reserves unit.

But Yo! is never far from his mind, and he sent this video from the front line last night — just to say hi.

Here was his note:

Hello Everyone,
Greetings from Kabul, Afghanistan.
I hope all is well in Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley.
I will surely miss all of the great summertime actvities that our part of the world has to offer, but last week I had the opportunity to record the attached Independence Day message to let everyone back home know that I am thinking about them.
Happy Independence Day to all of you.
Thanks for all of your support over the years.
Bob Barko

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