Cry of the angry white man


« Stirfry

by Bertram de Souza   | 306 entries"> Untitled document

The plaintive cry of the angry white man in America today:

When they won the right to vote, I said, "It doesn't matter, we're still in the majority."

When they started winning elections, I said, "We still control most of the important public offices."

When they got our college slots and our jobs, we filed lawsuits — with some success.

When they took our football quarterback positions, I said, "We still own the professional football teams."

When they donned the Green Jacket, I said, "There's only one of them."

But then, they won the presidency — and my world was turned upside down.

Next, they'll want to be on Mount Rushmore.

I'm mad as hell and want my country back.

Will the angry white man get his wish?



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