
« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries

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I caught my self-talk saying "phew, what an emotional week...'

Listener's will recall LbF show,friend,active Mahoning county Democrat, election observer, street 'safener', friend to Lewie,Chewie and MANY others, Tom Lamb's call. Tom shared, at my request, his physical and emotional struggles with http://sarcomahelp.org/epithelioid-sarcoma.html" rel="nofollow">epithelioid cancer.

 Later , we spoke with Debi Donoghue Bacor, who was pleading with listeners to help find her little doggie,Gus.https://www.facebook.com/BringGusHome?fref=ts" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">(Bring Gus Home). Debi told us how, while visiting in this area, little Gus was lost. We also learned that Debi and her "best friend", her husband,decided, after 5 miscarriages, to have dogs as their family members. We also learned that Debi's mom 'disappeared', while using a payphone in So-Yo, over 12 yes ago.... w/o a trace. 

Professor Margo DeMello returned to the show,this past week. Dr DeMello  is thehttp://www.animalsandsociety.org/main/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> Program Director for Human-Animal Studies at the Animals and Society Institute, and http://rabbit.org/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">President and Executive Director of the House Rabbit Society. Margo talked about how Whole Foods markets are beginning to carry the carcases of slaughtered rabbits in their stores. We talked about the horrific way their rabbits are slaughtered, their backs and necks broken and throats cut, often while the rabbits are still conscious .
https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/RnNZfQn2o2xpggJQqefCOervMbPIci5mujDPJnvl43kv6Rtxjyh5gHN_JKVzeU-aaGz3pePFgxfoAAtZJZNx8mveVTc-11j98EfuAJVcumUenA=s0-d-e1-ft#https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif" alt="">

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. I was asked to do a segment for thehttp://www.hyundaihopeonwheels.org/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> Hope On Wheels campaign. I knew they were sending 2 guests, but, in my lack o' sleep  haste, i neglected to realize that one of the guests, the national ambassador, was little Kenny Thomas. Kenny, now,just a couple of hand full of years old,was diagnosed with cancer....stage 3 cancerous mass in his chest, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, just after his 8th birthday. Kenny missed the entire third grade, lost his hair, and suffered rounds of treatments. Now in remission,Kenny spoke with me, as, I , my voice crackling  unprofessionally,  I choked up with tears streaming down my face, as I attempted to ask brave  lil' Kenny questions.
Then came Friday. http://sylviabrowne.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Sylvia Browne (deceased 'psychic')'s son, Chris and I were to do a call-in for a live reading hour, where folks from around the country call in with a few , sometimes,VERY personal) questions. Well, chis is rescheduled for Monday,08 September, but, many still called in, attempting to reach Chris. I was concerned. I've had Chris on before and know that callers REALLY depend on his advice/direction....so, I asked the callers "are you ok?, you're not going to hurt yourself, are you? Is there a pressing issue that's baring down on you?"  One of the callers was a woman in her late 70s who had been told, by another 'psychic',  that her husband of over 50 years,in his 80s, was going to die soon. This really concerned me. Once again, welling up with emotion, not being a social worker, psychologist, psychiatrist, just an aging, autodidactic, so-called: 'polymathic radio artiste', I didn't have a clue as to how to help her, yet, I felt that I couldn't just say"hey,lady, call back another time"....I asked her, feeling very nervous, not having a clue as to what the 'right thing to say, was' "So, m'am. if Chris says to you, "yes, you're husband's passing soon, OR, "no, he's got a long life ahead of him..." how would you live your life differently?. Was that the right thing to say? I haven't a clue. I hope she calls back. 

So, caller after caller, for Chris, pouring their hearts out to me, as ,again, I was afraid to just put them off till Monday.
Back to my, self-talk saying "phew, what an emotional week...'
Yeah, I know I am WAY too emotional, feel WAY TOO much empathy....but, it just reminded me of how much pain so many of us are in...this isn't wasn't about me, yeah, of course, I've got mine, or, as cousin CoCo and my friend's Fred-O would say "I gots mines", but this was about Tom's cancer and his family, Debi, husband and their 5 miscarriages, lost Gus, and the disappearance of Debi's mom, Delores. It's about lil' Kenny and those that love him, their fear that the cancer will return...and, of course, all those seeking someone, SOME ONE to give them some answers to their personal mysteries, mysteries that I fear, have no answers,at least for now.
What I do know, is that empathy is secondary pain. As bad as it feels to the  epathetic, the fear and pain for Tom, Debi and her husband,  the worried wife,,for all those in pain it's ALWAYS with them, it is integrated into who they are....never-ending,until physical death. When we lose someone, time doesn't make it better, it makes it different. 
The least,and I mean, the VERY least we can do, is to reach out to each other, to treat one another the way we want to be treated. In the case of the rabbits, we can refuse to patronize those who profit on pain. For Tom,Debi and Kenny,  we can love them , we can listen, we need to avoid saying "I know how you feel".  For each other, we can slow down a bit, be kinder, help each other enjoy the ride. We need not,we can not live every day as the last, but we need hold every day,every one, every relationship as  precious. http://www.footprints-inthe-sand.com/index.php?page=Poem/Poem.php" rel="nofollow"> The footprints in the sandhttp://www.footprints-inthe-sand.com/index.php?page=Poem/Poem.php" rel="nofollow">, need to be OURS.

WE need to be the one holding, supporting each other, http://artlessonsfromgod.com/2009/06/09/how-god-speaks-to-artist-thomas-blackshear/#sthash.vD34FJJ5.dpbs" rel="nofollow">as the Jesus in Thomas Blackshear's 'Forgiven' and, carry each other, support each other.....even for just a bit.

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