Sunday, June 9, 2019
Y’town needs to showcase Mahoning River, not hide it
I enjoyed going to the eighth annual Mahoning Riverfest for the second year in a row last weekend. I was disappointed I couldn’t go on the river, but the weather didn’t cooperate.
The people giving out stuff were very friendly. It’s really a nice atmosphere with a lot of trees and shade. I enjoyed the girls doing ballet who were cute and talented as well as Jungle Terry and his animals. I left before the musical duo, Leather and Lace, played, but seen them last year and they’re very good.
I wish I would’ve had a camera to take a picture of the gargoyle statue on the B&O Station. That alone is worth going down there to see.
It’s encouraging to see so many volunteers and citizens wanting to see the rebirth of the river.
I’d like to see more local celebrities, newscasters down here. More parking, limited housing, removal of railroad and cutting down of trees in Riverfront Park.
Showcase the river; don’t hide it. It’s a gem.
Hey Tito (Mayor Brown), yell timber! Why call it Riverfront Park if you can’t see the river?
Mike Cholensky, Youngstown
Beresford leaves legacy of service as sheriff
Last month, Colum- biana County lost one of its foremost citizens, former county Sheriff Robert “Brass” Beresford of Wellsville,
Brass loved his God and his family. He served his country as a Marine in both World War II and the Korean War. He was truly a member of “The Greatest Generation.” As such he asked for nothing and for no advantage in return for his service, only for the opportunity to raise his family in freedom and peace.
As a lawman, he rose from the rank of city patrolman to county sheriff. He earned every position and along the way, the respect and affection of all who knew him.
Sheriff Beresford was a good citizen, active in community affairs and organizations. He knew that participation is the lifeblood of a community, and he and his wonderful life partner and spouse Bonnie were a remarkable team.
The world is a better place because of the life of the sheriff. Humble, kind, caring, with a pleasant sense of humor, Brass had the good judgment and effectiveness of the best law-enforcement officer.
He leaves a solid legacy that will not soon be forgotten.
C. Ashley Pike, Winona
C. Ashley Pike is a former Columbiana County Common Pleas Court judge.
Democrats should avoid pursuing impeachment
I am frustrated watch- ing the cable-news channel broadcast journalists that normally suit my moderate-liberal bent. I want to stay informed, but I feel wearied by moment-by-moment recaps of Donald Trump’s escapades, accompanied by constant updating of those who would vote to impeach President Trump.
Core Democrats do not want to impeach Trump, which is simply the act of bringing someone up on charges. Impeachment is done by the House of Representatives, which might vote to refer the matter to the Senate. If the senators approve the vote of the House, then the impeached person leaves office.
But the current GOP Senate would not vote approval if the House impeached Trump. Trump would then crow maddeningly about his final vindication, his ultimate proof that he never in this world did anything of any kind wrong, ever.
That’s why people must read or listen to the Mueller report. We paid millions for it and waited two years. Sadly, most people don’t even know what it says. Do you?
Mueller says he found insufficient evidence of conspiracy. And despite citing multiple actions of obstruction, he asserts Trump cannot be charged as a sitting president; he then mentions that the Constitution defers such matters to Congress.
Meanwhile, Trump’s presidency gets riskier, constantly. He abuses the power he accrues as our president and even makes money from it. His unwise decisions denigrate our standing in the world. He has actually threatened to pull us out of NATO, and he constantly expresses his admiration for the world’s cruelest dictators.
He envisions his term of office expanded, like that of China’s president – he said so.
In the Mahoning Valley, he has failed to live up to his economic and jobs promises.
Meanwhile, the Russians are already interfering with our 2020 election. We’ve got to pay careful attention.
Linda Cocuzzi Richter, Niles
Ignoring climate change will cost America dearly
The world’s leading climate scientists have agreed that our planet is on a path toward ecological ruin. Millions of the world’s species are going to become extinct, and we only have approximately 12 years to avoid ecological breakdown and the worst effects of the climate crisis as we know it.
The United States is the second largest emitter in the world; therefore we should be part of the people spearheading a solution. Now, we have a plan to do so: the Green New Deal.
There are a lot of critics to the Green New Deal from an economic standpoint; they say it will take away jobs and we will never find the money to pay for it. In reality, renewable-energy jobs outnumber fossil-fuel jobs 3-1, and are safer for workers.
The money that the United States spent last year on nuclear energy is enough to give every home in America solar energy four times over. Whatever the cost of the Green New Deal is, the worst cost will be not taking action on the climate crisis.
Cody Clark, Youngstown
Adoption always stands as way out of abortion
Abortion is the mur- der of children that God created, and all who participate in this evil act will be judged by God at the last day. The unborn child has done no wrong and does not deserve to be put to death. These children might have cured diseases and done wondrous works in the world.
Any woman or doctor who participates in this evil deed should think about what if that had happened to them and they were never born. All murderers, rapists and child molesters should be put to death for their evil deeds.
If the government would execute these people within a few years, everything would change in America. It would become a much better country and an example to the countries of the world.
Killing these children punishes unborn babies who have done nothing wrong. There are many people who would love to adopt these children if the mother didn’t want them.
The worst is women who have sex willingly and then when they get pregnant, they want an abortion to kill the child that they willingly had sex to have. Only God knows what these innocent children might have done to better the world we live in.
All the doctors who perform abortions and the women and men that agree to them will face the God of Heaven and be judged for murder of the innocent children that God allowed to be born.
Leo Feher, Youngstown