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Closure of Lordstown plant possible factor in YSU enrollment decrease

Fewer students enrolled at YSU

By Samantha Phillips

Thursday, August 15, 2019



Citing the closure of the Lordstown General Motors plant as a possible factor, Youngstown State University President Jim Tressel said the university has lost about 400 students since this time last year.

It’s too early, however, to know just how big of an impact the closure had on total enrollment.

“We’ve got some challenges, there is no doubt,” Tressel said. “But, I think we have a longer list of opportunities than hardships. We have to make some tough decisions. ... We have to make sure we do it together.”

Student enrollment and retention rates were key topics during the annual State of the University speech Wednesday in the Chestnut Room in Kilcawley Center before a crowd of more than 300 people.

In 2018, there were 12,280 students enrolled at the university. This year there are 11,886 students, a decline of 3.21 percent. Tressel noted the administration is paying attention to how this will affect the university budget.

The good news: Retention rates are steadily increasing. The retention rate of students who stayed at YSU for at least the first two years was 68 percent in 2014, but this past year it was 74.8 percent, he said. YSU’s six-year federal graduation rate is about 41 percent. 

“Enrollment is partially how many students we attract, but primarily how many students we keep. Retention is key,” he said.

Thanks to the Youngstown Foundation, about $8.55 million was available in scholarships to YSU students this year, Tressel said.  

“If I were a student – with the quality of academic programs here, the kinds of majors we have and the tuition cost and the scholarship availability – I don’t know why you wouldn’t look at this university,” he said.

Tressel discussed collaborations with the community, including a pending partnership with the newly formed Lordstown Motors Corp., which seeks to purchase the idled Lordstown GM plant. He met with company officials last week.

“I think they felt that the right kind of people who could make that plant successful are in the location and want to live here,” Tressel said. “So, that’s why they requested that meeting to talk about the software people we are turning out, the engineers, the workforce they will count on if they are going to be successful.”

When questioned at a news conference after the speech about partnering with a company that doesn’t yet have a track record of making money or products, he said there are hurdles that have to be cleared, including the approval of the UAW before the university’s role is even relevant.

“If all that occurs, the key will be how quickly can we pivot and meet the needs,” he said. “I don’t think you have time to not be optimistic. You have to be constantly thinking of, if this opportunity comes, we will seize it.”

Tressel touched on some accolades earned this year. Among those, Alicia Prieto Langarica, associate math professor, earned the national Henry L. Alder award for Distinguished Teaching from the Mathematical Association of America, and the board of trustees earned the John W. Nason Award for Board Leadership from the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges.