Friday, August 9, 2019
Neighbors | Jessica Harker .Rhonda Monroe, a children's librarian at the Michael Kusalaba library, hosted a crafting event for school-age children on July 2 for the Summer Reading Program.
Neighbors | Jessica Harker .Children gathered at the Michael Kusalaba library on July 2 to work on space themed crafts organized by Children's Librarian Rhonda Monroe.
Neighbors | Jessica Harker .Children's librarian Rhonda Monroe explained three space themed crafts to community members gathered at the Space Invaders Craft event at the Michael Kusalaba library.
Neighbors | Jessica Harker .Community members gathered at the Michael Kuslaba library for the first Space Invader Crafting event.
Neighbors | Jessica Harker .Norah and Gavin Anderson worked on making space ships out of styrofoam plates and bowls at the Michael Kualaba library July 2.
The Michael Kusalaba library hosted a Space Invaders Craft event on July 2.
Children’s librarian Rhonda Monroe hosted the event for 25 children and their families.
“It’s just fun, a lot of the ideas are easy to do and can be found on Pinterest,” Monroe said.
Monroe prepared three crafts for children to work on at the event that were space themed.
“Our Summer Reading Program is ‘A Universe of Stories’ this year so everything is outer space themed,” Monroe said.
Children were able to make a name rocket, using the letters of their name to make up the different sections of the ship.
Monroe said that this was the project chosen by librarians to be displayed in the library for Summer Reading.
“Every year the librarians work on creating themed projects and we vote on the one we all like the most to put on display, this year it’s the name rockets,” Monroe said.
Children were also able to create UFO’s out of styrofoam plates and bowls, complete with decorations and a pom-pom alien.
The final craft was a rocket made from a toilet paper roll using a plastic egg and close pins to create the different components of the ship.
“We want to get people involved in summer reading,” Monroe said. “We have a lot of stuff to give away to people who participate.”
Monroe said that this year the library is giving away a number of prizes, including trips to Chuckie Cheese and tickets to their end of Summer Reading author event.
To sign up for the program or for more information on upcoming library events, go to