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Poland bridge repair tops priority list

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Staff report


The restoration of Mauthe Bridge in Poland Municipal Forest tops a list of needed renovations, judging by discussion Tuesday night at the forest board’s first meeting with its two newest members, Chris Graff and Dr. Ian Renne.

The board approved a motion to have MS Consultants of Youngstown conduct an evaluation of the bridge’s steel towers and anchor points on either side of the creek for a cost of about $1,300.

The bridge was closed after being reviewed by MS Consultants, but shortly after that, orange safety fencing and signs on the bridge were removed and destroyed.

In addition, much is uncertain about the bridge’s future, including whether new designs must be compliant with accessibility requirements outlined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Tristan Codner suggested that the bridge be renovated in a more accessible way.

But Phillip Pillin challenged the board's assertion that it is not required to make the bridge ADA compliant, due to the classification of the forest.

“We have a little girl down the street with cerebral palsy in a wheelchair. I’m sure she would love to be in the woods someday. I know it’s extra work on your part, but that’s what being a good neighbor and being a good citizen in our community is about,” Codner said.

The board also is creating its first operating budget since the 1960s. The passage of a 0.25-mill levy for forest maintenance last November will provide the board with an annual budget of about $12,000, starting in 2019.

“Hopefully, we can start correcting a lot of deferred maintenance,” said board member Mark Thompson.

The budget, which delineates funding for activities such as trash pickup and sign maintenance, will be made public once approved.