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Boardman library hosts first ever Shining Star talent show

Friday, September 14, 2018


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Zarah, Hassan and Sarah Rizvi hold the props that they used to perform in the first Be a Shining Star talent show on August 14.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Sarah, Hassan and Zarah Rizvi enjoyed snacks after participating in the Be a Shining Star talent show on August 14.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Librarian Karen Saunders played songs on the key board that Zarah and Sarah Rizvi tried to guess during a game August 14.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker .Sarah Rizvi performed a ventriloquism act with her unicorn puppet, Sasha, on Aug. 14 at the Boardman library.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Zarah Rizvi performed an original puppet show on Aug. 14 at the "Be a Shining Star" talent show at the Boardman library.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Hassan Rizvi played the ukulele during the "Be a Shining Star" talent show at the Boardman library on Aug. 14.


The Boardman library hosted its first ever Be a Shining Star talent show on Aug. 14.

Children’s librarian Karen Saunders hosted the event, which allowed local children a chance to display any unique talents they had.

“It’s a fun way to get kids out and showing off their skills,” Saunders said.

Three children participated in the talent show.

Sarah Rivzi did a ventriloquism act with her unicorn puppet, Sasha.

“I started doing ventriloquism last year,” Sarah said. “I always thought it was a lot of fun.”

The next act was Zarah Rivzi who preformed a puppet show.

The show, called “The Adventure,” was an original script written by Zarah’s older sister Sarah.

The final act of the show was the youngest sibling, Hassan Rivzi, who preformed an original song on his ukulele.

“We had a lot of unique talent, things kids don’t get a lot of chances to show off, so it was really cool being able to watch them all perform,” Saunders said.

After the show the children were broken into teams and played a song guessing game.

Saunders played various children’s songs on the key board and the team to be able to guess the most songs won.

Hassan and his mother took first place in the game, with Sarah and Zarah coming in a close second.

After the game all of the children received prizes for their performances.

The library gave each child a maraca and a frisbee.

Drinks and a light snack were also provided by the library.

For more information about upcoming events at the library, visit