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Poland Forest board approves budget for 2019 levy funds, about $12K

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Poland Municipal Forest Board unanimously approved a budget for the levy funds it will receive next calendar year.

The board expects to receive an annual appropriation of about $12,000 after village residents approved a 0.25-mill levy last month.

The most expensive line item in the budget is web maintenance and hosting, for which the board has allotted $2,500.

The board also has budgeted about $1,000 on each of the following items: trash pickup, clearing obstruction from trails, culvert cleaning, Mauthe bridge maintenance and material for projects.

The budget, which requires village council approval, will be the board’s first since the 1960s.

“This is going to be a learning curve for us,” said board Chairwoman Elinor Zedaker. “We know some of these figures will have to change, depending on need.”

The board has compiled a growing list of problems in the forest that require attention. Repair of the Mauthe bridge tops that list.

At Tuesday’s meeting, the board also discussed possible solutions to the flooding of Drake Run and the presence of too many deer in the forest.

“That’s the main invasive species,” board member Robert Elias quipped.

Solutions to these issues will require funds beyond the board’s expected revenue.

Zedaker suggested that board members research emergency grants for appropriate projects.

“A lot of deferred maintenance is now upon us,” board member Mark Thompson said.