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Betras seeks GOP chief's resignation after fire posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

YOUNGSTOWN — Mahoning County Democratic Party Chairman David Betras is calling on Columbiana County Republican Chairman David Johnson to resign because of a Facebook post Johnson made about the wildfires in California.

The posts, which show images of fire and the comments “God’s punishment for liberal California,” and “Hell on Earth, bought to you by the liberals of California,” were posted Sunday on Johnson’s Facebook page, according to a statement by Betras.

Betras said the posts are offensive and mock the suffering undergone by the victims and firefighters in California, where 76 people have died and over 1,000 are missing. Betras said Johnson needs to resign from the Columbiana County Board of Elections and the Board of the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation.

Betras also invoked President Trump in his statement, who has come under fire for some of the comments he made about the fire.

“I would say that Johnson should be ashamed of himself, but as he and the president he worships have proved time and again, they have no shame,” Betras said.