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Austintown Fitch High School celebrates Spirit Week

Friday, November 16, 2018


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Students dressed all in black for "black out" day sung Austintown's alma mater during the school's assembly.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Members of Austintown Fitch High School's dance line performed during the school's annual Spirit Week assembly, which took place in the gymnasium.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Students from each grade level at Austintown Fitch High School competed against each other during the school's annual Spirit Week pep rally on Oct. 26.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Students in all the different grade levels competed using scooters and laundry baskets to see which group could collect the most balloons on Oct. 26 for the schools annual Spirit Week assembly.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Students showed off their dance moves competing against teachers in a dance off competition during the school's annual Spirit Week assembly on Oct. 26.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Teachers at Austintown Fitch High School competed against students in a dance off competition at the schools Spirit Week pep rally on Oct. 26.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.The dance line at Austintown Fitch performed for students and staff alike at the pep rally on Oct. 26.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Students Morgan Galperic and Domenic Veltri dressed up for red, white and blue day during Austintown's annual Spirit Week celebration Oct. 24.


Austintown Fitch High School celebrated Spirit Week in preparation for the football game on Oct. 26 against Cardinal Mooney High School.

Students had various dress up days throughout the week with different themes to celebrate school spirit.

“Its just a fun way for students to prepare for the football game and celebrate the school,” said Brittany Bueno, the Austintown Community Engagement Specialist.

Monday was “meme day” where students dressed up as their favorite memes or vines.

Other days included red, white and blue day on Wednesday, which Bueno said they coordinated with their annual Lunch with a Veteran event.

For each lunch period on Wednesday students sat with 30 veterans who volunteered to speak with students.

Friday students had a pep rally to prepare for the game where the whole student body dressed in all black for “black out” day.

“Its a bonding experience for the whole school, everyone looks forward to it and it’s a lot of fun,” Bueno said.

After school students gathered in the gymnasium to prepare for the game.

The pep rally kicked off with a skit in which the Fitch Falcons overcame the Cardinals before singing the Alma Mater.

The students also broke into teams with two people from each grade level volunteering for a competition.

The groups used scooters and laundry baskets to try to see which grade level could collect the most balloons, with the seniors winning.

The school also hosted a student versus teachers dance off competition with four rounds which students won.

Austintown’s cheerleaders and dance line performed for the school, and the band played a number of songs including the “Office” theme song.

“Every year spirit week is one of the best weeks that we always look forward to,” Bueno said.