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Anit-frackers' persistence should be admired by all

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Concerning the March 18 Vindicator editorial about the local anti-frackers organization:

Members of the community should remember when gambling and alcohol were outlawed or when black people were oppressed and treated less than human. It took perseverance in bringing these issues to the ballot several times before change. I don’t like gambling but this is democracy.

Voters turning down ballots several times doesn’t mean “go away;” more people are being educated about the issues and sometimes it takes time before change.

There are voters who see long-range consequences and those who want jobs and the government that needs taxes to fund government work and operations. Each judges from its own experiences, education, environment, and other factors. That’s balance, folks, and the wonder of a democracy. If we are smart we will listen.

I respect the anti-frackers for seeing the long-term risks to clean water and using our democratic system to stop the threat. What they are doing is hard work most people wouldn’t do.

I saw the documentary “Gasland” and highly recommend everyone see it (rent it at the library).

Clean drinking water is not a renewable resource; it’s also a natural resource that more than half the world struggles to obtain because they have so little.

I have total empathy for people needing jobs but there’s no point in concerning ourselves with a viable future without clean drinking water. More valuable than riches it should be appreciated and must be protected.

Sandy Groza Hrabowy, Liberty