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Saturday, June 16, 2018


Basic facts

Friday was World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a goal of which is to prevent the problem and increase society’s awareness of it. Common signs and ways to help:

More than 1 million Americans age 60 and older suffer abuse annually.

Physical and emotional signs include unexplained bruises, cuts, fractures, swelling, welts, pain, sunken eyes, depression, withdrawal, passivity, fear, guilt, a hesitation to speak openly and a denial of problems.

Signs of neglect are malnourishment and/or dehydration, bedsores, weight loss, soiled clothing and a lack of medical attention.

Pay attention to loved ones’ memory loss, be proactive in their lives, discuss financial affairs with them.

For further assistance, contact the Ohio Attorney General’s Consumer Protection section at 800-282-0515, or go to

Source: Judge Rusu, the Ohio Attorney General’s office