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Learn about Palliative Medicine

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Brought to you by MERCY HEALTH

Have you ever heard the term Palliative Medicine? Ever thought to yourself what is that and is it something I should be aware of?

Palliative medicine focuses on improving the quality of life for individuals who have been diagnosed with a chronic illness or disease by alleviating pain or symptoms that some patients may experience. The goal is simple – allow individuals to enjoy life with little disruption and to maintain the mobility they have prior to a diagnosis.

At Mercy Health, whole life wellness is defined as the balance and health of an individual’s mind, body and spirit. It’s understood that when patients are balanced in these three aspects during the healing process, recovery comes sooner and people are able to get back on their feet quickly.

Palliative medicine, although focused on the alleviation of pain and symptoms, helps patients strike the balance between each of these whole life wellness components. No matter the age or disease state, palliative medicine is provided from a multi-disciplinary team that includes palliative medicine physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dietitians and more.

The best part of the palliative medicine care model is that your primary care or specialty physician is included in the care team as you better manage your pain and symptoms. Since these physicians are concerned about your whole life health, your palliative care doctor will look at ways to alleviate points of pain that may not be associated with your diagnosis, therefore, not just the sick part of you is addressed, but the whole person. “There is no greater reward than to see the smile of a patient and know that you helped them feel better, both physically and emotionally.” said Dr. Medford Mashburn of Mercy Health Palliative Medicine. “I am proud of the fact we are able to help those who are suffering from uncontrolled symptoms.” He added.

During a time when prescription medication for pain have become common topics amongst patients and their care teams, palliative medicine has provided a solution for many throughout the region when it comes to medication management and prescription. When used as part of a regimen, these pain relieving medications work as intended and allow you to enjoy those family, friend or community activities you always have.

Additionally, caregiver support is part of the palliative model ensuring your loved ones are informed and supported while helping you get back to being you! At Mercy Health, two outpatient palliative care clinics – on serving the Warren community and one based in Youngstown, help serve and provide high-quality compassionate care. Additionally, inpatient consults are available in each of the three Mercy Health hospitals with care being delivered through home health services – care that is close to heart and home. are To learn more about palliative medicine and if it’s appropriate for your care plan, speak with your physician or visit for more information on what is available right in here in the Valley.