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Don’t like the Scriptures? Simply do not read them

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Don’t like the Scriptures? Simply do not read them

I really do enjoy read- ing The Vindicator, The People’s Paper. Reading the letters to the editor on Sundays gives us a good insight on what our community thinks and feels about different topics. In the Jan. 14 letters to the editor, a person was complaining about printing Scriptures in The Vindicator. He sounded like an angry man.

I enjoy reading the one-verse Scripture each day; as for taking up wasted space, now that’s a bit of an exaggeration. If the Scripture wasn’t printed on the same page each day, I may overlook it as small as it is. The verse only takes up approximately 11/2 by 2 inches of space. The way I see it, the public has a choice to read it or skip over it.

I, too, have a couple of Bibles in my home, which I read. I feel with all the negative stuff we are exposed to on a daily basis, this was one more negative letter that we could have done without. It took up wasted space where a more interesting and upbeat story could have gone.

Charlotte Ditman, Austintown

Scriptures save many lives

First, I commend The Vindicator for printing the Scriptures. Second, the letter, “Scriptures do not belong on pages of The Vindicator” is totally out of line and the writer appears to know nothing of the Creator or the Scriptures that have changed so many lives over thousands of years.

Churches and the Scriptures have been in America since it was created and when churches filled America, it was better than today when many churches have closed.

I was lost and blinded by sin when I prayed and asked God to reveal Himself to me. The next day He sent someone to tell me about Jesus, who is revealed in the Scriptures that the writer so vehemently hates. It took two years before I repented and my life was changed forever. I became a street preacher in New York before the Lord sent me to Youngstown.

While here I was a chaplain at Ohio State Penitentiary for 31/2 years before they did away with my assignment. I saw many death row inmates converted to Christ before they were executed. Without the Scriptures, they would have been lost forever.

Without the Scriptures the whole world would be in darkness and sin.

Leo Feher, Youngstown