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McNally completes Eagle Scout project

Friday, August 24, 2018


Neighbors | Submitted.For his Eagle Scout project, Thomas McNally built 10 specialty benches at On Target, a non profit children’s mentoring program in Canfield.


Neighbors | Submitted.Thomas McNally, a member of Boy Scout Troop 25, completed his Eagle Scout project of building 10 specialty benches at On Target, a non profit children’s mentoring program in Canfield.


Canfield High School junior Thomas McNally has completed his Eagle Scout project of building 10 specialty benches at On Target, a non profit children’s mentoring program in Canfield. McNally is a member of Boy Scout Troop 25.

McNally, son of Tom and Sharr McNally, said he chose On Target for his Eagle Scout project because the program has been a large part of his life for many years.

“On Target, which is a non profit children’s mentoring program, has been a very big part of my life since I was 5-years-old. So when I was contemplating what to do for my Eagle project, On Target naturally was where I wanted to concentrate my efforts. Together with my large sponsor, Ohio Structures in Canfield and over $1,400 in donations I raised from friends and family, I was able to purchase the materials for this project,” McNally said.

McNally completed the 10 rifle range stations just in time for some On Target campers to utilize it during their summer camp.

“Together with 10 scouts and five adult volunteers, we were successful in completing 10 rifle range stations. Whether you are a right or left handed shooter, the seats swivel left and right to accommodate. I was excited to learn that just two days after we completed the project, a large group of kids from On Target’s summer camp were already using them,” McNally said.

McNally wanted to use his Eagle Scout project to give back to On Target after all the organization had given to him throughout the years.

“I joined Boy Scout Troop 25 in the spring of 2014. This Eagle Scout project was important to me because I wanted to give back to On Target after the many years of great friendships and experiences it has given to me. Since I started Scouts at age 13, becoming a Eagle Scout has always been my goal. I also know that in my future I will benefit in so many ways from the experiences and achievements of my Eagle rank,” McNally said.

McNally had the help and support of several individuals and organizations, and of course his family, throughout the process of his Eagle Scout project.

“I would like to thank Steve Scott of On Target for presenting me with the opportunity to give back to the organization which has been such a great benefit to me since my early youth. I would also like to thank Ohio Structures for the generous contribution they made to which greatly improved the quality of the Eagle Project. I would like to thank all my fellow scouts and the adult volunteers for all their time and experience needed to complete this big project and the Canfield Rotary Club for all their support. Last, but not least, I would like to thank my family for all their love, support and encouragement,” McNally said.

In addition to finishing his Eagle Scout project, McNally has been preparing to travel to Germany through the Rotary Exchange Student Program.

“I will be spending roughly 11 months going to high school in Germany, being completely immersed in both the language and culture. What originally prompted my interest in joining Rotary, was the interest I had developed in the field of International Relations and History,” McNally said.

McNally’s family is very proud of him for all his accomplishments and dedication.

“We are immensely proud of not only the dedication Thomas has given to his advancements and Eagle project, but at the same time the dedication it has taken to keep a good grade point average while taking extra classes both online and after school in order to spend his junior year in Germany with Rotary International Exchange. His school year in Germany is going to be very challenging but we have all the confidence that he is up to the challenge. We will miss him terribly but look forward to visiting him in Germany sometime in the next year,” said Sharr McNally.