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Low voter turnout in Canfield is disgraceful

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Low voter turnout in Canfield is disgraceful

I sincerely hope that those who need to will read this and take the time and effort to ponder and act. My fear is that those it is directed toward won’t even see it, because to do so would mean paying attention to something outside their own little worlds.

On Tuesday, Nov. 7, two polling sites were open in Canfield for all the precincts and the township. Just four days later, on the 11th, we gave thanks to all the veterans for their sacrifices that let us keep this most important right. They have died, been maimed, given up precious moments with family, and we owe it to them to utilize this precious privilege.

Why then, I ask, did 66 percent of the eligible residents of the city not even bother to exercise their right? There is early voting, absentee voting, as well as Election Day voting, so no excuse is acceptable.

How many of you nonvoters have family that are veterans or, for shame, are veterans? Can you look them or yourselves in the face and tell them aloud the sacrifices and efforts didn’t matter to you? Go ahead, do it.

Canfield city labels itself “The City That Cares”. I fail to see how that can be true when only one-third of the citizens voted. Those who did not, do not have the right to even call themselves citizens – calling them residents is being generous. Do they not care about their streets, their schools, their children’s safety?

I did not research the results of surrounding communities, but fear much the same occurred. It is a disgrace and an insult to so many.

If I have offended anyone undeserving, I apologize. If I have angered those who did participate, good, get more active in getting your neighbors out. And, if I have shamed those of whom I speak, start acting like real citizens and truly make Canfield “The City That Cares”.

Remember, if your voice is not heard, it doesn’t count – you don’t count.

Robert Minkler, Canfield

Consider censorship to battle gun violence

As the frequency of gun assaults increases throughout the USA, on small and large scales, we hear blame given to lax gun control, along with mental illness.

However, guns have been available for 300 years, as has mental illness. So, what has changed in our society in the past 30 years? In this time period, acts such as Las Vegas and Texas along with countless daily shootings are sadly becoming commonplace. In the past, these acts were uncommon despite the availability of guns along with mental illness.

My opinion is that guns and mental illness are necessary ingredients to this violence, but what has been added to our culture recently is the stimuli that makes mentally disturbed people react in this manner. The stimuli come from movies, video games and other internet driven social media that glamorize violence and without question have been becoming progressively more graphic, violent and macabre.

Most people without mental problems can view the violent media and not be affected. However, the few with mental problems are emboldened by what they view.

I also feel that the constant media coverage of the details following mass shootings involves disgust by most viewers. However, some find it enlightening and have no problem thinking. “I can do that”!

I believe it is time to look at the message being sent by movies, video games, etc. Censorship may be a bad word to some, but censorship doesn’t kill people. Unlike attempting to change mental illness and guns, censorship of violent ideology could be the controllable variable to stop the carnage.

Dr. Robert R. Ricchiuti, Poland

Use caution when turning to wind as energy source

It probably would not be difficult to get a grant to install wired pole lines from Lake Erie to Youngstown, Ohio. Then out about 6 miles from shore, we could build small islands where the lake is only about 45 feet deep and mount windmills on them.

As we run power lines down state Route 11, we could install a few power stations along the way to charge electric cars and to make the grant easy to get. Because of recent competition, the price of windmills has fallen greatly, and windmill manufacturers are having a hard time making good profits compared to years past.

If you look at the wind charts, you will find that the highest winds in Ohio are out in Lake Erie about 6 mph or so.

The output power of windmills does not double if you double the wind speed as some people think; doubling the wind speed gives you nine times more power. So you can see why it is important to pick windmill sites where the wind speeds are higher.

Don Moler, Girard